He has performed over 1200 cases of LIPOSUCTION or
Suction-Assisted Lipectomy ( fat removal up to 6 liters or 10% of body weight in
one sitting), liposculpture, Ultrasonic Liposuction, Body Contouring, body
enhancement, body sculpting,including tummy tightening or tummytuck or
He also has done more than 800 female breast surgery
procedures or breast jobs, which include breast augmentation or enlargement or
breast enhancement , boob-job , mammoplasty , mammaplasty using silicone
gel-filled implants, Saline implants and Double lumen implants, Breast
reduction, breast lift , mastopexy , breast tightening , breast elevation. He
has reduced more than 500 cases of enlarged male breasts, known as gynecomastia
or gynecomazia. He has also done more than 400 rhinoplasty or nose surgery
operations, including dorsal augmentation, tip-plasty, hump correction,
reduction rhinoplasty, Nose reshaping, , Septorhinoplasty, etc.
He also does other Cosmetic aesthetic surgery and
Plastic surgery procedures regularly, like Facelift or Face lift to correct
aging face, rhytidectomy, Wrinkle removal, Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty,
Eyelid Lift, Cheek implants, Chin implants, Chin augmentation, Chin reduction,
Lip augmentation, Lip enlargement, Lip reduction, Fat injections, Collagen
injections,Dermabrasion, Laser resurfacing, Facial Resurfacing, Laser removal of
hairs, Laser removal of pigmentation including melasma, Chemical peel, glycolic
acid peel and skincare using various Skincare Products, Skin Blemishes,
anti-wrinkles, anti-aging,Treatment for Wrinkles, Hair removal, Tattoo removal,
Birthmark removal, Endoscopic facelift, Endoscopic Cosmetic Surgery , Cosmetic
tattooing, Permanent eye-liner, Breast reconstruction, Maxillofacial surgery,
Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Nasal Refinement, Ear Pinning, Otoplasty, Scar
Revision, Laser Surgery, Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, neck lift, facial
rejuvenation, Ear reshaping, , scars, burns, deformities, skin cancer, make-up,
Hypoallergenic, hydroxy acid products, Craniofacial Surgery, body improvement,
Cosmetic trends, Dermatologic surgery, tissue expansion .